Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tests, Tests, and more Tests

As I am heading into midterms, I have realized that personal responsibility is a huge aspect of college life. Teachers expect us to be self-motivated and to be prepared for what they throw at us. As much as they want us to pass the test, the student is the only one that actually has the ability to make that happen. In the same regard, life drops struggles off at our doorstep and we are expected to be prepared for them. We are expected to be prepared. I don't think I need to elaborate on that because it is ingrained by our family, mentors, Sunday school teachers, church leaders, etc. We know what we need to do to be prepared for life's challenges, it is up to us to do them.

I haven't had the best attitude about all these tests I have had to deal with in college. I feel like I am spending all my time preparing for the next test. I've found myself complaining a lot this week because I have spent so much time studying that I hardly have time for anything else. I just recently had an "ah ha" moment and thought about the purpose of a test. A test is given to help us learn. We learn as we study and prepare; we learn about ourselves as we take the test and how to prepare better next time; we also learn that we will get out of a test just as much as we put into it. I've tried to really absorb this idea into my mind so that I can have a positive attitude about midterms this coming week. I am in college to learn and ready myself for a future career. No one is forcing me to be there, I chose to go to college to better myself. Remember, we chose these life tests as well. Believe it or not, we all wanted them.

We are supposed to welcome these trials with open arms and a positive attitude. If we have confidence in ourselves and the preparation that we have made, we can pass any test that is thrown our way. Teachers are not going to give a test that can't be passed(at least we hope) so why would we expect any different from life. One of the greatest things that teachers try to tell us is to have a positive attitude that we can succeed. I took a test yesterday and the teacher wrote this on the board:

"Words of Encouragement - I passed the test!"

She wanted us to believe in ourselves and all the preparation we had made prior to the test. I smiled and realized that our attitude makes all the difference. And guess what? The test seemed a whole lot easier after that. Our instinct is to want to associate negative thoughts with trials and challenges and changing our mindset is hard, believe me, I know. I was once told that if I could achieve this paradigm shift with the way I look at certain things, then life would not necessarily be easier, but it would seem that way and I would be much happier in the process. I saw a quote today and I found it helpful:

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau

Life is about being prepared for the burdens that will surely come, having a positive attitude when they arrive, and learning something in the process.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where I Needed to Be

At last minute I decided to join a group of girls that was heading to Nauvoo, Illinois for a YSA Conference this past weekend. I was scared, timid, and absolutely unsure of what I was getting myself into. The moment I sighted the temple, all of my fears were erased. I could feel the spirit of such rich and wonderdul history that surrounds Nauvoo. I felt like these past few years of my life had guided me to that exact moment of amazment when I stood in front of the temple. Wow, just wow. It was as if someone knocked the wind out me, everything just made sense.

Our group of 4 women bonded extremely quickly and we found out that we all shared common ground and we could all relate. And let me tell you, we had an extreme amount of fun. We danced(or should I say suffled?) everywhere we went, we swam in pool while firemen were activiely searching the hotel for the source of a potential fire, we made the exodus to wal-mart to grab food, we made an "amanda taco", and the list goes on.

The actual conference consisted of a dance each night(that was culture shock lol), 3 workshops in the morning, freetime during which we went to Carthage Jail(best decision ever), and sacrament meeting in the morning. I learned so much and I feel like I can't even write it all down because it was just so incredible. The best way to describe my weekend is to say that the spirit was present and because of that, I was able to learn what I needed to learn.

Here are some fav pics from our temple photo shoot in the rain lol

And for all of you who actually read this in my family, I have already made the decision to go back next year. I would like to go as a family so that we can all go in the temple together. This is a really big deal for me and I'm treating it that way. So I'm going to do what I need to do to get there and so should you. Be there  September 2012 or be square jk, I'd still love you if you couldn't make it.

Failed, but it was Awesome!

Last week I had a day that I just couldn't get anything right. I couldn't come up with an acceptable topic for my research paper, I didn't understand the reading in my theology class, etc. To make matters worse, that night I went and auditioned for the hip hop team. For those of you who know me, dance is probably my favorite thing in the world. I'm not the best dancer, but I can usually pick up choreography pretty easily. I was kind of looking forward the the auditions because I figured it would cheer me up and make me feel like I was at least good at something...but no...failed that too. It was bad. When it came time to be recorded...yes actually recorded on camera...I froze. I could see the other girls in my group but I could not move. After it was over, I just smiled and walked out. I was horrified at the situation. Not only did I mess up, but they had it on tape(can anyone say youtube's funniest videos?). But when I got home that night I just started laughing. I laughed so hard because I realized the world didn't end because of my failure. It was ok that I had an off day, it was ok that I wasn't the best at everything, in fact, it's ok to downright be the worst at something. I really needed this lesson in humility and surprisingly I am grateful for my failure. What I learned...just laugh it off.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Family and Friends

Four years ago on this day, I made the most difficult decision of my life. One that changed the outcome of my life forever. Today I have been thinking back to the person that I was back then and all the challenges I had to overcome to be able to make such a decision. I know that none of it would have been possible without the love and support of my family and friends.

I remember setting foot in Kentucky and being emotionally lost and afraid of what laid ahead. I arrived during a storm and I'm sure that didn't help settle any fears. Not sure what I would encounter, I was hesitant to leave my aunt's house. If it had not been for my Aunt, I probably would have stayed in bed during the duration of my stay in Kentucky. One night she actually arranged for me to out to the movies with some people from church that were my age. I had a blast that night and the people I went with welcomed me with open arms. I never once felt out of place or that I didn't belong. I am so lucky to have such amazing and wonderful people in my life. I think back to those times and I smile(it took me a long time to get to this point).  Thank you to all you Kentuckians for making that part of my life bearable so that today, those aren't sad memories, they are ones of love, bonding, and friendship.

I am so grateful to everyone who had a hand in helping me to where I am today. Angel, thanks for making me talk. Mom and Dad, thanks for always coming to my rescue. Andrea, thanks for listening(even though are usually stuck in the car so you don't have a choice). Michelle, thanks for showing me true friendship. Grandma, thanks for making me that sandwich even when you thought it was very impractical and thanks for taking care of me in general. Sandra, thanks for your all your guidance. Matt, thanks for your support.

Ok I realize there are a million more people I owe thanks to, but I think you get the gist. You have all impacted my life and I am a better person because of you.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Life is one giant roller coaster ride (I'm sure we've all heard that before, but it is true). We have trials and tribulations that are put in our way so that we can learn and grow from them. Almost as soon as we have learned from a hardship, another one is placed in our way. At times, it might seem so overwhelming and depressing,  but we have been blessed with something to help us through the darkness--Family. Our family is what makes everything worthwhile. They provide joy and laughter that makes life a little easier, they are the cheerleaders to encourage us to press forward, they the safety net that catches us when we fall, but most importantly they love unconditionally when we make mistakes. There comes a point in ones life when they seek to add to their family(the journey of finding ones eternal companion). We look for someone that fits right into our family, most of the time without even realizing it. We look for compatibility, but also for unique attributes that would make the family better for having that person around. When we think we have found that person, we make them an integral part of the family( meeting the whole family, spending holidays together, family meals, etc.). We have then added one more person that helps make life more enjoyable.

I'm struggling today because I finally realized the world is not that simple. I have the tendency to see the world in black and white, but I've been awoken to this giant area of gray. Not everything works out that simply. It's not always true that "the past is in the past" or people don't always believe that "everyone deserves a second chance". Life is messy, complicated, and yes, it is sometimes just UNFAIR. But we learn, we grow, and we continue to press forward.

I've been thinking about this song a lot lately. Don't focus on the drinking wine part because obviously I'm not advocating that, but it's a story of real relationships and the challenges that couples go through. Sometimes they are able to work through them, but other times not. I like this song because when pinned between family and the person you love, family wins out. In the end, he takes her home because that is where she belongs. It's pretty much a sad story, but a beautiful story of understanding nonetheless.

I just realized  that all these thoughts may not seem connected to the outside reader, but to me it makes perfect sense. Enjoy deciphering the emotions in my head

Saturday, September 10, 2011


We are always told to have compassion for others, to love others for their flaws and realize that we are only human. As I was in Yoga class this last week, the teacher was talking to us and helping us to relax into child's pose. I shifted into the pose and was really trying to let go off the stress I had been feeling, the teacher said, "this is your time to show compassion to yourself." I was taken aback. Do I take the time to show compassion to myself. Sometimes we focus so much on what we need to be doing for other people, that we let ourselves slip through the cracks. Now I'm not saying we need to be selfish, but I am saying we need to take sometime to tend to our own needs. I have been so stressed out with school, lack of sleep, my crazy schedule, etc, that I forgot to, as my Aunt calls it, "fill my bucket". When I lived with her at the start of last semester, she watched as I wouldn't go out on weekends or even see my friends because I had homework that I thought I had to get done right away. She always reminded me that if I don't remember to do stuff for me, that I will get burnt out and breakdown from the stress. Now that I am back at school, and diving into the same situation, I had to pause for a moment in yoga class and really think about what I need to do for me. Maybe it's sleeping in on Saturday instead of getting up early to study(thanks for the suggestion Bobby, it was really nice), or taking a dance class at a local studio, or even just giving myself enough time to cook a real meal. I need to start showing myself some real compassion because this semester is going to be a lot of work.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Adventure

We went on a little adventure yesterday. I was supposed to be studying, instead we went to the Greek Festival near Forest Park. We couldn't find parking so we parked near the Rink parking lot in Forest Park and walked along the paths to find a way up to the road. I had never been in that area of the park before and couldn't help but think how beautiful it was. We crossed several bridges and walked through really lush areas. It was the perfect "scenic route" to the festival.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Different Kind of Learning

As my classes have begun and actual learning is starting to take place, I have gained some knowledge of a different sort. You see, this is the first semester that I am living in a house on my own(technically I have roommates, but I mean away from my parents). Sure I've lived in an apartment last semester and before that I had lived all over the world, but it's not been quite the same as having my own home to take care of. I finally feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when it comes to where I live. I'm no longer living in a sketchy neighborhood and a crummy apartment. I live in a house with kids playing outside and Mama Josephine next door. Anyway, to get to the point, living on my own has given me to time to actually learn about myself. I'm not trying to say that I have amnesia and am trying to re-learn everything or something like that, but really get to know what I like or what I just ate because my parents put it in the fridge. It's kind of weird how that works out sometimes. So far I've learned:
  1. I don't think I like grapes
  2. I get crumbs everywhere when I eat crackers
  3. I'm afraid of the garbage disposal. If something drops in it, there is no way my hand will be the one to retrieve it
  4. I have a thing for dishes (it's like they are sacred to me or something)
  5. I don't like quiet, I turn on music so I can pretend Andrea is just down the hall or my dad is in his room which leads me to the last thing
  6. I like living with my family...I miss them

So It's not much, but once I found out I didn't like grapes I started keeping track to see what else I could learn about myself. After all, it's always a good thing to pause and have a little personal reflection at times.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Science of Optimism

I realize I already wrote a post today, but something awesome happened so you will just have to deal with it. I was sitting on the plane coming back to school. I was tired...more like exhausted from being up for more then 24 hours. The lady in the seat next to me could not stop talking. I was getting a little more than slightly annoyed when she offered me one of her magazines to look at. I was more than happy to grab one and have an excuse not to talk anymore. It was a TIME magazine and the picture on the cover immediately grabbed my attention. The cover story was about the science of optimism. I turned to the page and began reading the article. It was quite fascinating. It basically said that optimism, even though not rational, may be hardwired in our brains. It also said that people who let their optimism flourish actually are better able to cope and see the "silver lining" in things and also do better in work and life in general. I was talking with Bobby before I left about being optimistic in regards to a promotion he had coming at work. He said that it was easier not to get his hopes up because he would never be let down that way. Obviously, being the ray of sunshine that I am ;), I tried to convince him otherwise. Today he has informed me that he did indeed get the promotion. I can't help but wonder if he took my advice and let some positive thinking slip in. And if so, maybe there is something we could all learn from being more optimistic in the everyday things that we do. Like today, I was very optimistic about finding a parking spot even though I couldn't see any open spaces. To make a long story short, I found a space. So is there really a science to this thing we call optimism?

Study Bug

So it's day 2 of school and I'm already feeling the little bug inside of me that has to dial in and put blinders up to everything else. Meaning I have to be the best in every class and out-do everyone. Geez that sounds ridiculous, but it's already begun. I have to remind myself that it's just school. As Matt used to remind me, C's get degrees too.

Random thoughts:
  • I have some very challenging classes this year (my methods teacher tried to talk us into dropping his class because it is the hardest 300-level political science class ugh).
  • I find it refreshing to be on campus when it's not snowing (although last semester was kind of magical). I love seeing all the fountains running and I like being able to wear shorts.
  • I bought a SLU sweatshirt today at the campus store. I know I know, it's like a million degrees outside, but it was on sale and it was orange which happens to be my favorite color. Plus I figure I'm getting a head start on winter :)
  • I just dropped my philosophy class because let's be real, that class was gonna suck jk
  • I looked like an idiot today when we were going over the syllabus and it said fall break. I looked up and said "wait, we get a fall break?" yeah apparently I'm the only one that didn't know that.
Anyways school is going great so far and I feel like I finally know what I am doing (it only took me the entire last semester). I'm glad to be here and I'm excited to see what opportunities pop-up for me this semester.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I had a great first day of school. I found parking spot right away unlike at Cuesta. I found all my classes with ease. Apparently I looked as though I knew what I was doing because lost freshman kept approaching me and asking questions. I had time to eat a nice quiet lunch read a book. I reconnected with some friends from last semester and even made some new friends. Overall, today was a lot nicer than expected. I had a ton of doubts coming back to SLU. I couldn't eat or sleep or do anything. This weekend I had one meal, ONE unlike me. But once I walked onto campus and saw the red pepper plants used as accents in the landscaping, I knew that I made the right choice in coming back. This is my school and I am here to stay. That my friends is indubitable. In case you couldn't tell, dubitable/indubitable just became my favorite words. I had a teacher today that was having trouble saying them and I can't stop using them ever since :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The way I was raised

I've never felt the need to post something like this until now, but I find it to be a very important lesson that I was taught. I was raised to be kind to others, to give them the benefit of doubt, and to withhold judgement. "Judge not, lest ye be judged," I believe those were the exact words my father used when quoting Christ. My dad always says it's his job to make judgements about people and trust me, growing up he made lots of judgements. But over the years, I've seen remarkable growth in him. He recently told me a story about meeting a stranger at the airport while waiting for my flight to arrive. The stranger was a woman, who was also waiting to pick up a family member. They began talking and my dad soon found out that she had a rather questionable career choice. Rather than judge her instantly, he withheld that judgement and just listened to her story. I look up to my father and his guidance that he gives me. So when he tells me a story like that, I listen and try to follow his example. Not everyone is going to lead the same life. We are all different and make different choices, but that doesn't give us the right to judge. A person's past should never hold them down from making a better future for themselves. I've come so far from where I once was and that wouldn't have happened if people didn't let me get over my past. So what I'm trying to say is thank you to everyone who has helped shape the person I am today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Looking on the bright side

My apartment flooded, everyday I get closer to being a year older, I'm seriously breaking out from stress, I'm having trouble saving money for the next semester of tuition, but on the bright side I have some seriously low cholesterol. So I guess life isn't that bad...WooHoo...going to eat some fat with the doctors permission :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Alice in Wonderland

I'm a huge fan if Alice in Wonderland. I have several editions of the book as well as various versions of the film. In the Disney version of the movie, there is a point where Alice finds herself lost in the Tulgey Woods. As she is walking along one path, it is being erased from behind her and then disappears completely. She has nowhere to go, she is wandering without a path. Lately I have felt like Alice when all her paths disappear. I have been traveling down a road that has just been erased for me. Am I devastated? Well sure, Who wouldn't be? The question is, What am I going to do now? Sometimes I just sit and pray that everything will go back to that way it used to be. After all, the hardest part is picking up your feet and moving on. I could sit and cry over what was lost like Alice, or I can...???? What's next, Do I wait for the Cheshire cat to come and save me or do I save myself?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Forever and Ever

I just recently came to understand just how much God knows each and every one of us personally. He knows my strengths and weaknesses and even my "soft spots". One on my soft spots is eternal families. I love my family more than anything and I couldn't imagine spending a minute without them. So when a talk was given at our stake conference on the subject, I sat upright and listened intently. The speaker asked us to grab the hand of someone we couldn't imagine eternity without. Without a pause, my dad scooped up all of our hands. Tears rolled down my face as I realized that my family loves me just as much as I love them. I couldn't tell if any other families were holding hands, but we sat there for the remainder of the talk hand-in-hand.

This past Sunday a lesson was given in Relied Society on the same subject and I cried as the opening song was being sung.

    " I have a family here on Earth. They are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all              eternity. Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan. I always want to be with my          own family and the Lord has shown me how I can."

Why does this topic make me so emotional? It's my family. My best friends. My personal cheerleaders. The people that make me laugh until it hurts. The people that give unconditional love. The people that will tell me the truth even when it hurts. The only people that know how to really make me angry. The only people that really KNOW me. I have been worried lately about what the future holds for me, but I know the one thing that remains constant is my family. I want to spend eternity with my family and I want to do everything to make that possible. A year ago I would have not even thought about going to the temple, but I think God has been slowly chiseling away my hard spots. Like I said, God knows our soft spots.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Check out Brinton Films at this them

So I just watched the cutest and unique videos that I have ever seen. They capture wedding footage and families is such a remarkable way. Really check these guys out. My favorite videos are Lex and Loren and the Poulsen's family. Enjoy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some Favorite Weekend Pics

Slowing Down

I am a future oriented person. Always have been and probably always will be. I look forward to certain things and often find myself day-dreaming about the endless possibilities that the future holds. But with this imaginative outlook I find that I try to rush my life to pass certain milestones. You know the attitude that "I'll just be happy to finish this semester of school, I'll be happy when I finish college, I'll be happy when..." I think we all get this way sometimes, but I find myself thinking this way a lot. I forget to enjoy everything that happens along the way.I believe that Thomas S. Monson said "Find joy in the journey--Now." I try to remind myself that it's ok to slow down, ok to live a little, ok to still be in college, ok to just relax and enjoy my relationships. I need to stop rushing my life along and enjoy all the little things that happen day after day.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I have been mulling around different ideas of what to do for the Summer. First I thought I was going to get this great paid internship, instead got rejected. Then I thought I was going to stay here and find work, not looking so good unless I want to be a stripper. And now I got presented with an opportunity to go home for the summer and take up my old job as a nanny.

When I left the job several years ago certain circumstances presented themselves that in a way forced me out of the job. I wasn't ready to leave and now I feel like I have a chance to make up for that. I feel so blessed to get a re-do. I love the family that I was a nanny for and I feel like we've only gotten closer over the years. I'm also excited to be able to get away from Missouri and the awful humid weather.

I find it fascinating that my whole life I couldn't wait to get out of the town I grew up in. I even started this blog to share my exciting adventures to new places. But now, the journey I am most looking forward to, is my journey home.

Monday, May 9, 2011

To My Mother

I realize that Mother's Day was yesterday, but I figured I would go ahead with this tribute anyways. This is about as candid as I will ever be online so enjoy. Yesterday turned out to be a surprising wonderful day for me. I have a very hard time with Mother's Day, but Kevin made it enjoyable and helped me to realize just how much my mother means to me. He decided to tell me a story of when he first met my parents which occurred years before we even started dating back in December 2007. A little background: because we were not dating at the time he met my parents, neither myself, Kevin, nor my parents seemed to pay much attention to it and therefore could not recall any details from the encounter. I had also met his parents the same time, but because of certain situations, I blocked several months of time out of my mind. A few weeks ago, Kevin and I went home so that he could meet my parents in the official "boyfriend" capacity. But back to the story. Yesterday Kevin confessed that he did actually remember some details of that first meeting. I was shocked that he was just now telling me this and I had a desire to know because honestly I cannot remember a thing. For those of you who know my past, 2007 was a very difficult year for me and I was trying to cope with a lot of emotions, but was unsuccessful. You could even go as far as to say that I was mad at the world and everyone in it. We were at my grandparents house for Christmas and Kevin stopped by(he was visiting his parents for Christmas who live close by) to see if Kyle and I wanted to go hang out with him. Kyle was completely on board, but I was much more hesitant because I did not want to go and have fun, I was content with being miserable. Kevin said, "come on Katy, let's go cruise the 'vard." Apparently this made me chuckle a little because let's be real, we are not in the 80's, no one "cruises the 'vard" anymore lol. I decided to go and as we were walking out the door, my mom pulled Kevin aside and thanked him. Kevin replied, "what for?" My mom simply said, "for making her smile."

When Kevin told me this, I just started crying. Why? Because my mom is predictable. Predictable in the sense that her love for her children comes before anything else. I could be the worst, the grumpiest, the meanest person towards my mother and she would still always wish for my happiness and love me nonetheless. My mom has been there for me through the worst of times and the best of times. She is unfaltering in her love for me and I am truly blessed to have her. When she smiles, she lights up an entire room. Her example to me is unparalleled. I hope that I can have mean and terrible children so that I can exhibit the unwavering kindness that she has shown me lol. I really don't want kids like me, that was a joke. What I am trying to say is thank you for never giving up on me, thank you for showing me what unconditional love is, thank you for being my constant support, thank you for everything.

Mom, I love you.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Strange Dreams

I have been having very weird dreams lately and I just can't seem to shake them. In class today I couldn't even focus on the lecture the teacher was giving. All I could think about was this dream and images that kept running through my head. I don't know why it's bothering me so much lately. I've had similar dreams before, but this one just really impacted me.

There is this little girl in the dream, maybe 4 years old and she looks just like me. She is someone else's child, but for some reason she is being neglected in the sense that she is being left alone, abandoned and not wanted. When her parents come for a visit, I realize that her parents have left her alone again so I run off after yelling at them and go looking for her. I am walking through a large empty house and I start calling her name. She answers me. I find her in the bathroom and she is cutting her hair. I stop her from what she is doing and tell her that she can't play with scissors. She says she is sorry, wraps her arms around my neck and I carry her away.

After that I woke up. It was a little more complex then that, but that's the gist of it. It's not really that strange of a dream, but today when I awoke it really startled me. I don't know what's going on in my head, but apparently my dreams are trying to work out some issues.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring is here

I thought I would go around school and take some pictures of the wondrous spring flowers. People were staring at me like I had never seen spring before, but it's ok...let them stare. There was no way that I was going to pass up on these pictures. I love spring and I figured I would need a reminder of how wonderful spring is when winter comes again.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Comparing Unlike Things

I have this problem right now. I find that I have been comparing myself to other people and it tends to get me down. I look at my friends and the people I grew up with on facebook and see them getting married, having babies, graduating from college, etc. Then I start to feel like I'm way behind in my life. I graduated high school before these people that are now graduating college years ahead of me. It's kind of depressing. I just feel like I can't catch up to my own life. But then I realize that I'm nothing at all like these people. I took several years off of school and I think I'm a much better person because of it(Not the actual taking off of school, but the experience and the lessons I learned in that time). I love my life and I feel like everything has happened for a reason. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and look at all the wonderful things that have happened thus far. I've been lucky. I've been blessed.

I guess I just feel like Ariel in The Little Mermaid sometimes. "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collections complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything?....I want more." Ok maybe that's a stretch, but I always find myself wanting more. Not more material things(ok maybe shoes), but more moments. Moments with my family, with my boyfriend, and friends. Moments of success, of joy, and laughter. I'm tired of feeling like college is my life and that I'll never be done. I'd rather have the chaos that becomes life after marriage, kids, and a career. Phew....that was a lot of rant and mixed feelings. Now I can get back to life.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Surviving the Chaos that has become my life

First things first, I'm apologizing for typos(I don't even know how to spell that). Apparently I'm no good without spell check.

I was scolded by my grandmother because I haven't updated this lately. So grandma, this post is for you.

Random note: Kevin took me bowling this week(I know me going out on a school night is almost unthinkable) and I've come to realize that I need more breaks like these more often. I think Angel calls it "filling your bucket". Thank you Kevin even though I know you don't follow blogs, facebook, or anything of that sort.

This semester at SLU(Saint Louis University) is going by very quickly, but it's been packed with new experiences and new ideas. I absolutely hated the winter here and the first day of what actually felt like spring came with open arms. However I do have some great memories of winter such as walking to the metro in the snow and slipping all over the ice covered side-walks, ice-skating and hockey games with kevin even though he tends to take that stuff very seriously, getting to express my love-affair with scarves everyday, and having a couple snow days off of school. Regardless, I still think I could do without winter. California has ruined me, I just love the sun so much. Kevin and I had our first picnic in Forest Park just last week, we loved feeling the rays of the sun after such a cold winter that we stayed as long as possible, too bad we didn't think to wear sunscreen. I feel like I can just smile more when the sun is out and flowers are blooming all over campus. Spring is good.

Other Random Note: I go all the way to Washington D.C. and all I come out of it with is a deep appreciation for cupcakes (just kidding, but seriously) 

I did get some traveling in so my travel bug can rest for awhile. I won an essay contest for an all-expense trip to Washington D.C. to participate in the annual meeting of the organization, Citizens for Global Solutions. It was a blast and the people were just amazing. The first day was full of speakers from different organizations such as the United Nations, the French Embassy, and so on. In that one day, my views changed completely and I realized how blind, naive, and maybe a little ignorant I had been. Here I am supposed to be this political science major and I never even took the time to fully consider other view points than my own. Sure I had addressed them and dismissed them, but never had fully understood or wanted to understand. It is critical that we make the effort to relate to one another and give others a fair shot. Afterall, we're all human and in this world together. And no, there is no "us against them". Trust me on this, just take a minute, just one minute to try and to make a connection  to someone who has different ideas or beliefs than you. I can gurantee that you will see they are facing the same challenges, same joys, same insecurities as anyone else. They won't turn out to be some crazy lunitic that believes that everyone should eat their first-born child(or maybe they will be but in that case it's proabaly best that you find that out as early as possible so you can run in the other direction while calling the police). I really believe that making the effort to reach out to someone different can help you grow as a person. Now that I've gone on this crazy tangent, I'll get back to the conference. The second day was a lobby session where we met with the staffs of Senators and Congressmen on the behalf of Citizens for Global Solutions. It was really great to see the inner workings of the government and to see how we, average citizens, make this poltical system function.

I just applied for a summer research position in Texas and I'm crossing my fingers hoping that I get it. Realistically there are a million other candidates in this country more qualified than myself, but like my parents always say "you never know if you don't try." I've also heard that if you aim for the moon then at least you will land among the stars, or something to that effect. Here I go trying to be inspirational again. Ok, ok, here's the scoop on my life. I'm taking one day at a time even though I'd like to jump about two years ahead, I samefully admit that I let my stress turn into anger, I eat about a cookie a day(sometimes more), I try to work out but that doesn't happen, I'm active in school events, I've become a great networker and use every(even shameful) opportunites to make connections...let me re-play an occasion... a speaker who would be a good connection comes to Saint Louis, I arrive super early, I "make" the speaker (I like to call this spotting who I think the speaker probably is when they also arrive early outside the venue), I strike up a casual conversation maybe about their music they are listening to on their IPOD, then when it is getting closer to the event they get up to go in, I say "oh you're going to this thing too", bada bing bada boom, connection made...ok it didn't really happen like that but it could have, anyway as you can tell I've been busy and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Next trip: Sneaking in Andrea's suitcase on her trip to Europe. I just have to get done to 50lbs so I don't get charged extra.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New School, New State, New life

Things started out a bit bumpy with my transition to living in the St. Louis area. To be honest, my first week of school was miserable and I cursed ever moment of it. It snowed almost everyday and when you have to walk a considerable distance from the metro station to the classroom it makes things difficult. Living in California my whole life, I had a very naive concept of the snow. I really thought that it stopped snowing after Christmas, apparently that's not true. I had also never really had to drive in it before and as Kevin puts it, "My car wants to be in California."Plus the snow creates this black sludge on the side of the road and when cars drive by very fast, the sludge ends up covering you. That happened to me more then I would like to admit. I will say that the transition has gotten easier. I enjoy my classes, the snow is melting, birds sing on my walk to school, and things could not be better between Kevin and me. Who is Kevin you ask? Well Kevin would be my new boyfriend. Anyway, I truly believe this is where I am meant to be...for the moment. My next destination is yet to be determined, but I have decided that I need to start planning some kind of trip so that I have something to look forward to that will pull me out of this bleak winter season.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Direction

It's been awhile since I last wrote and many things have changed since then. As you may know, I have worked very hard to get accepted into the University of Washington. I succeeded and planned on attending this January. I went to the school, attended orientation, signed up for classes, and even bought rain boots to survive in Seattle. At the last minute, I decided to leave that dream behind and take a leap of faith. I felt like I was supposed to be in Illinois, so after 3 very long days, here I am. It's scary and still a mystery as to why I am supposed to be here, but at the same time, it feels like home.