Saturday, August 27, 2011

The way I was raised

I've never felt the need to post something like this until now, but I find it to be a very important lesson that I was taught. I was raised to be kind to others, to give them the benefit of doubt, and to withhold judgement. "Judge not, lest ye be judged," I believe those were the exact words my father used when quoting Christ. My dad always says it's his job to make judgements about people and trust me, growing up he made lots of judgements. But over the years, I've seen remarkable growth in him. He recently told me a story about meeting a stranger at the airport while waiting for my flight to arrive. The stranger was a woman, who was also waiting to pick up a family member. They began talking and my dad soon found out that she had a rather questionable career choice. Rather than judge her instantly, he withheld that judgement and just listened to her story. I look up to my father and his guidance that he gives me. So when he tells me a story like that, I listen and try to follow his example. Not everyone is going to lead the same life. We are all different and make different choices, but that doesn't give us the right to judge. A person's past should never hold them down from making a better future for themselves. I've come so far from where I once was and that wouldn't have happened if people didn't let me get over my past. So what I'm trying to say is thank you to everyone who has helped shape the person I am today.

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