Monday, April 18, 2011

Comparing Unlike Things

I have this problem right now. I find that I have been comparing myself to other people and it tends to get me down. I look at my friends and the people I grew up with on facebook and see them getting married, having babies, graduating from college, etc. Then I start to feel like I'm way behind in my life. I graduated high school before these people that are now graduating college years ahead of me. It's kind of depressing. I just feel like I can't catch up to my own life. But then I realize that I'm nothing at all like these people. I took several years off of school and I think I'm a much better person because of it(Not the actual taking off of school, but the experience and the lessons I learned in that time). I love my life and I feel like everything has happened for a reason. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and look at all the wonderful things that have happened thus far. I've been lucky. I've been blessed.

I guess I just feel like Ariel in The Little Mermaid sometimes. "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collections complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything?....I want more." Ok maybe that's a stretch, but I always find myself wanting more. Not more material things(ok maybe shoes), but more moments. Moments with my family, with my boyfriend, and friends. Moments of success, of joy, and laughter. I'm tired of feeling like college is my life and that I'll never be done. I'd rather have the chaos that becomes life after marriage, kids, and a career. Phew....that was a lot of rant and mixed feelings. Now I can get back to life.

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