Thursday, May 5, 2011

Strange Dreams

I have been having very weird dreams lately and I just can't seem to shake them. In class today I couldn't even focus on the lecture the teacher was giving. All I could think about was this dream and images that kept running through my head. I don't know why it's bothering me so much lately. I've had similar dreams before, but this one just really impacted me.

There is this little girl in the dream, maybe 4 years old and she looks just like me. She is someone else's child, but for some reason she is being neglected in the sense that she is being left alone, abandoned and not wanted. When her parents come for a visit, I realize that her parents have left her alone again so I run off after yelling at them and go looking for her. I am walking through a large empty house and I start calling her name. She answers me. I find her in the bathroom and she is cutting her hair. I stop her from what she is doing and tell her that she can't play with scissors. She says she is sorry, wraps her arms around my neck and I carry her away.

After that I woke up. It was a little more complex then that, but that's the gist of it. It's not really that strange of a dream, but today when I awoke it really startled me. I don't know what's going on in my head, but apparently my dreams are trying to work out some issues.

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