Friday, July 16, 2010

I forgot

I added new pictures, but I forgot to give an update about what's going on here. These past few days have been a little crazy. We have gotten a new volunteer each day for the past three days and we are running out of places to put them. I'm lucky that I don't have to share a bed. I finally unpacked some of my's about time, it's only been five weeks haha. I can't believe I only have four weeks left already. This trip is going by so fast and I feel like I have so much left to do here. I guess that means that I'm just going to have to come back and finish what I've started.

I have taken on the task of preparing a leadership course for the youth group at DEPDC. We had our first class this week and the theme was "Modeling the Way" which is adapted from The Leadership Challenge. We talked about clarifying your values and being an example of those values. We also played "simon Says" because simon models the way-Get it? Well I thought it was kind of clever. I think this class will be a huge success and it's turned into being my favorite project.

I'm also currently working on a anti-drug presentation for a school in one of the Hmong villages up north. In Thailand, Meth is a huge problem. It comes in a tablet form mixed with caffeine and they call it "yaba" which translates into crazy medicine. This presentation is going to be modeled after the "Just Say No" program that is taught in the United States. I'm really not an expert on Meth so I hope I can get the facts straight. Thanks goodness for the internet!

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