Thursday, November 18, 2010

When does it end?

How come no one ever tells you that applying for schools is actually the easy part of going to college? Everyone kept telling me that it would be smooth sailing after I got accepted...WRONG. The sleepless nights of wondering whether or not I should change the last word in the middle paragraph so that my application essay sounds just right are over, and yes, I am glad, but at the same time it now feels like that was much easier than what comes now. Now I have to find a place to live in a state that I've never been to, get a job, fill out millions of overly complicated forms, register for classes even though most of them are already full, but I can't do that until I've attended an orientation amidst being here in Illinois, and not to mention the $50,000 that it's going to cost me to attend. Whew, now that was a much needed rant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining because I feel so blessed to be able to go to a university, but man, When does it end? When do I get a little bit of peace from the chaos of life?

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